Sunday, 15 March 2015

Life -An Indian Perspective Continued

Humans are normally happiness seekers and constantly searching for it .Most us get momentary,temporary or short lived happiness.We never achieve permanent happiness or peace.In modern world most us are highly educated and have good knowledge in our subjects of interest.We may have high qualifications and certifications in Engineering,Computers,Accounting or Medicine but these are not capable of giving you ways to succeed in practical life .These will give you high jobs and a lot money but incapable of giving you happiness and peace for ever.


To cross the river of life which is full of storms and challenges we need the practical skills for it .If you want to cross a river you must know swimming ,you may know all about the river , the amount water it has , types of fish in it , the source of the river but if do not know swimming you may not able to cross the river .Like wise you need the practical knowledge to cross the river of life .


How to remove ignorance and get true knowledge which help us to realise our true nature and help us to achieve permanent happiness is been told to us by our great masters .But today these teachings are being used for selfish gains and fame.Most of us are ignorant of this and seek temporary happiness by visiting the modern day masters and seek their blessings.


Only when you know your true nature ,The Atman, you will achieve permanent peace and happiness. Meditation will help us in this quest .Will discuss more on this in the next post

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