Wednesday, 18 July 2012

Do we need Rahul ?

One general secretary of the congress party recently announced that Rahul Gandhi is going to assume a bigger role  in the party soon and only he will be able to salvage the party .This is the typical sycopanthic statement from a functionary of  a party in which proximity to the leader makes one important not ability.
Do we really need Rahul Gandhi as a leader ? I really doubt that people of india have taken him seriously yet.People are used to politicians who are pro active ,always expressing opinions on all issues ,who has charisma in wooing them and used to listen to them and judge them. Rahul is projected as a youth icon but we have not seen him in any public forum expressing his opinions .He is a member of the parliament but hardly participate in any debates of importance.
We had a great debate on Lokpal in the loksabha Rahul was hardly seen . The country is reeling with numerous problems like price rise, inflation,corruption, scandals, pollution , farmer suicides to name a few , but do not know what Rahul thinks about these issues . He tried to mount a revival campaign for the party in UP but failed miserably. He is surrounded and advised by a group of  people who has no idea of the real state affairs .
We need a leader who express his opinions correctly ,have the right grasp of the issues and offer right solutions. He should able to fight effectively against corruption , price rise ,inflation with clear cut plans. , should be able to build an administration where positions are given to people on merit not on the basis of loyalty .If some one can do it he will emerge as an effective leader .In the present state of things it does not seem that Rahul has these abilities and even he takes some high position in the party or the government he will be lead through  the blind path by his sycopanthic advisors which will be disastrous for him ,the party and the country.

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